<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;' colour: "magenta">(link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
<img src="images/schematic.png" alt="schematic" usemap="#schematicmap">
<map name="schematicmap">
[<area shape="rect" coords="133,202,193,294">]<hook1|(click: ?hook1)[(goto: "StageIStatei")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="187,60,245,153">]<hook2|(click: ?hook2)[(goto: "StageIStateii")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="318,59,377,152">]<hook3|(click: ?hook3)[(goto: "StageIStateiii")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="455,59,512,154">]<hook4|(click: ?hook4)[(goto: "StageIStateiv")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="590,59,649,156">]<hook5|(click: ?hook5)[(goto: "StageIStatev")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="728,58,787,155">]<hook6|(click: ?hook6)[(goto: "StageIIStatei")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="728,321,788,417">]<hook7|(click: ?hook7)[(goto: "StageIIStateii")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="725,493,787,585">]<hook8|(click: ?hook8)[(goto: "StageIIStateiii")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="591,494,651,588">]<hook9|(click: ?hook9)[(goto: "StageIIStateiv")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="590,321,650,417">]<hook10|(click: ?hook10)[(goto: "StageIIIbStatei")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="455,322,514,416">]<hook11|(click: ?hook11)[(goto: "StageIIIbStateii")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="453,493,514,587">]<hook12|(click: ?hook12)[(goto: "StageIIIaStatei")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="319,323,378,417">]<hook13|(click: ?hook13)[(goto: "StageIVbStatei")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="318,492,378,588">]<hook14|(click: ?hook14)[(goto: "StageIVaStatei")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="137,366,197,548">]<hook15|(click: ?hook15)[(goto: "StageVStatei")]
[<area shape="rect" coords="137,603,219,711">]<hook16|(click: ?hook16)[(goto: "StageVIStatei")]
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
(colour: "#696969") [//The following story is the input text for The Patch workshop. The accompanying video & sonification experimentations are included as explorations of the transmediation of the initial text.//]
In that Empire, the Art of Cartography attained such Perfection that the map of a single Province occupied the entirety of a City, and the map of the Empire, the entirety of a Province. In time, those Unconscionable Maps no longer satisfied, and the Cartographers Guilds struck a Map of the Empire whose size was that of the Empire, and which coincided point for point with it. The following Generations, who were not so fond of the Study of Cartography as their Forebears had been, saw that that vast map was Useless, and not without some Pitilessness was it, that they delivered it up to the Inclemencies of Sun and Winters. In the Deserts of the West, still today, there are Tattered Ruins of that Map, inhabited by Animals and Beggars; in all the Land there is no other Relic of the Disciplines of Geography.
<video src="videos/exactitude.mp4" width="640" height="480" autoplay>
<audio src="songs/exactitude.mp3" controls autoplay><div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
(colour: "#696969") [//The text is mapped with InfraNodus, a textual network analysis tool. InfraNodus transforms the text into a network, plotting word/nodes and their co-occurrences in lexico-syntactic relationships. The resulting graph is a map, a two-dimensional representation of the text that breaks the linearity of its narrative.
''*The graph might take up to 15 seconds to load*''//]
<iframe width='100%' height='500' style='height: 500px' src='https://infranodus.com/kedrick/200622T1547?background=default&most_influential=bc&maxnodes=1500&dynamic=accumulate&cutgraph=1&selected=highlight&hide_always=1hide_always=1&link_hashtags=1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe><div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
//In this Stage/State, we augment the original textual terrain with automated algorithms in order to include related meanings such as hyponymns, hypernyms, antonymns, and synonyms.//
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[**Input text**] (colour: "grey")[In that Empire, the Art of Cartography attained such Perfection that the map of a single Province occupied the entirety of a City, and the map of the Empire, the entirety of a Province. In time, those Unconscionable Maps no longer satisfied, and the Cartographers Guilds struck a Map of the Empire whose size was that of the Empire, and which coincided point for point with it. The following Generations, who were not so fond of the Study of Cartography as their Forebears had been, saw that that vast map was Useless, and not without some Pitilessness was it, that they delivered it up to the Inclemencies of Sun and Winters. In the Deserts of the West, still today, there are Tattered Ruins of that Map, inhabited by Animals and Beggars; in all the Land there is no other Relic of the Disciplines of Geography.] \
Permutations created with (link: "GTR Language Workbench") [(goto-url: 'https://workbench.gtrlabs.org/login;jsessionid=02706DAD2E5F3FDB5B97F0E8DF7DC84E#id2bb')]
<img src="images/GTR algorithm2.png" alt="schematic2" usemap="#GTRmap2">
<map name="GTRmap2">
|tooltip>[<area shape="circle" coords="42,136,28">|tooltiptext>[input text above]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords=="132,42,230,72">|tooltiptext>[(display: "Counter Logic")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="275,153,373,185">|tooltiptext>[(display: "Counter Logic II")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="444,29,545,56">|tooltiptext>[(display: "Counter Logic III")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="615,156,710,183">|tooltiptext>[(display: "Counter Logic IV")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="755,39,855,71">|tooltiptext>[(display: "Counter Logic V")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="circle" coords="949,137,32">|tooltiptext>[output text below]]
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[**Output text**] (colour: "grey")[In that African nation, the carving of making attained such defects that the map of a single state occupied the kit and boodle of a Meshed, and the metric function of the empire, the whole kit and boodle of a Madras. In time, those Unconscionable contour map no longer satisfied, and the Cabots society struck a mathematical function of the publishing conglomerate whose parsimonys was that of the Persian Empire, and which coincided tapers for tapers with it. The following gen X, who were not so fond of the study of making as their forbear had been, saw that that vast single-valued function was Useless, and not without some unmercifulnesss was it, that they delivered it up to the clemencys of breastpin and seasons. In the desert of the western United States, still twenty-four hours, there are Tattered perfections of that multinomial, inhabited by animals and sannyasis; in all the lands there is no other remainss of the indisciplines of geographics.
In that African Romance language, the carving of making attained such upset that the mapping of a single Republic of Palau occupied the kit and lucre of a urban center, and the metric function of the conglomerate, the whole outfit and Michigan of a provinces. In daylight-savings time, those Unconscionable conformations map no longer satisfied, and the Sebastians Cabot lodge struck a mathematical geographical region of the publishing publishing empire whose littlenesss was that of the Asian Egypt, and which coincided submersions for candle with it. The following info ex, who were not so fond of the subject of making as their forbear had been, saw that that vast single-valued affair was Useless, and not without some pardons was it, that they delivered it up to the forgivenesss of brooch and Christmastimes. In the Qizil Qum of the western United countrys, still twenty-four shiftings, there are Tattered imperfectnesss of that multinomial, inhabited by creatures and Hindoos; in all the Soviet Union there is no other remainss of the corrections of geographicss.
In that utile lamp African country, the moulding of cartographer arrived multinomial eastern that the Latin of a disturbance of socio-economic class interested the locals department and samer of a African indication, and the magnetic spheres of the commercial enterprise, the vast sinkings and reversal of a rock. In daylight-savings social event, those rural state commute no longer common, and the warrants metropolis satisfied gos wrong a Asian fond earths science of the structure separation beings whose rebelliousnesss differs that of the Unconscionable ultra, and which tallyed mental faculty for Sebastians with it. The telling religiouss person ex, who differ not so twenty-four of the abstain of country as their about-face ascendant differ, cut that that Tattered common mathematical relation differs verbal, and not without some political system differs it, that they presented it up to the money of mercys and pin. In the United gear of the metric seasons business, no more Soviet sizes, there differ such body part of that free, existed by mathematical relation and bodys; in all the card game body part there differs no government movements of the message of substance.
In that physical body mathematical geographic upshot, the adults body of arrived Soviet wrong that the gos of a metric turnaround of vast separation Asian the outcome worlds affairs and rotating mechanism of a verbal Africancoattails effect, and the free Unconscionable sweater of the commercial pushover, the common disparagements and abstain of a turner. In social socio-economic pressure point, those African commute towns peoples no longer eastern, and the fraudulent scheme cortical area common bodys rural a Tattered magnetic general anesthetic cartographer of the shits moderns world part whose occupational group differs that of the unconnectednesss elements, and which tallyed mental bedframe for being with it. The telling business ex, who differ not so twenty-four of the samer of as their bridged-T such differ, cut that that mathematical political satisfied surrenderer differs natural, and not without some interested cooperativenesss differs it, that they presented it up to the atrocitys of ultra and exam. In the circuit board Sebastians of the nonreligious monition organizations, no unrestraint multinomial common man, there differ fond bad sounding board of that more, existed by ascendant and about turn; in all the burden physiography geographical United there differs no misgivings of the privation of utile muscle builder.
In that physical chassis mathematical geographic merchandise, the stripling sections of arrived Soviet wrong that the attempts of a metric turnabout of vast join Asian the event population worlds affairs and rotating raptus of a verbal Africancoattails annoyance, and the free Unconscionable sweater of the commercial child's play, the common disparagements and abstain of a food turner. In social socio-economic air pressure tapers, those African journey towns peoples no longer eastern, and the fraudulent governance cortical area common bodys rural a Tattered magnetic general anesthetic Cabot of the assholes old domain gene whose occupational group differs that of the unconnectednesss conditionss, and which tallyed mental bedstead for being with it. The telling dealerships ex, who differ not so twenty-four of the samer of as their electrical circuit such differ, cut that that mathematical political satisfied somebody differs natural, and not without some interested amenablenesss differs it, that they presented it up to the scandals of ultra and midterm. In the circle board Sebastians of the nonreligious admonition systems, no unrestraint multinomial common citizen, there differ fond bad sounding dining table of that more, existed by ascendant and about instinctive reflex; in all the incumbrance geography geographical United there differs no qualms of the deprivation of utile smooth muscle detergent builder.]
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
//Now we take the entire augmented corpus of text and scramble the words to obliterate any sempblance of the initial narrative. **Play with the** //scramble, unscramble, and erase// **buttons to see the text gain and lose its narrative coherence.**//
(set: $str1 to "In that African nation, the carving of making attained such defects that the map of a single state occupied the kit and boodle of a Meshed, and the metric function of the empire, the whole kit and boodle of a Madras. In time, those Unconscionable contour map no longer satisfied, and the Cabots society struck a mathematical function of the publishing conglomerate whose parsimonys was that of the Persian Empire, and which coincided tapers for tapers with it. The following gen X, who were not so fond of the study of making as their forbear had been, saw that that vast single-valued function was Useless, and not without some unmercifulnesss was it, that they delivered it up to the clemencys of breastpin and seasons. In the desert of the western United States, still twenty-four hours, there are Tattered perfections of that multinomial, inhabited by animals and sannyasis; in all the lands there is no other remainss of the indisciplines of geographics.
In that African Romance language, the carving of making attained such upset that the mapping of a single Republic of Palau occupied the kit and lucre of a urban center, and the metric function of the conglomerate, the whole outfit and Michigan of a provinces. In daylight-savings time, those Unconscionable conformations map no longer satisfied, and the Sebastians Cabot lodge struck a mathematical geographical region of the publishing publishing empire whose littlenesss was that of the Asian Egypt, and which coincided submersions for candle with it. The following info ex, who were not so fond of the subject of making as their forbear had been, saw that that vast single-valued affair was Useless, and not without some pardons was it, that they delivered it up to the forgivenesss of brooch and Christmastimes. In the Qizil Qum of the western United countrys, still twenty-four shiftings, there are Tattered imperfectnesss of that multinomial, inhabited by creatures and Hindoos; in all the Soviet Union there is no other remainss of the corrections of geographicss.
In that utile lamp African country, the moulding of cartographer arrived multinomial eastern that the Latin of a disturbance of socio-economic class interested the locals department and samer of a African indication, and the magnetic spheres of the commercial enterprise, the vast sinkings and reversal of a rock. In daylight-savings social event, those rural state commute no longer common, and the warrants metropolis satisfied gos wrong a Asian fond earths science of the structure separation beings whose rebelliousnesss differs that of the Unconscionable ultra, and which tallyed mental faculty for Sebastians with it. The telling religiouss person ex, who differ not so twenty-four of the abstain of country as their about-face ascendant differ, cut that that Tattered common mathematical relation differs verbal, and not without some political system differs it, that they presented it up to the money of mercys and pin. In the United gear of the metric seasons business, no more Soviet sizes, there differ such body part of that free, existed by mathematical relation and bodys; in all the card game body part there differs no government movements of the message of substance. In that physical body mathematical geographic upshot, the adults body of arrived Soviet wrong that the gos of a metric turnaround of vast separation Asian the outcome worlds affairs and rotating mechanism of a verbal Africancoattails effect, and the free Unconscionable sweater of the commercial pushover, the common disparagements and abstain of a turner. In social socio-economic pressure point, those African commute towns peoples no longer eastern, and the fraudulent scheme cortical area common bodys rural a Tattered magnetic general anesthetic cartographer of the shits moderns world part whose occupational group differs that of the unconnectednesss elements, and which tallyed mental bedframe for being with it. The telling business ex, who differ not so twenty-four of the samer of as their bridged-T such differ, cut that that mathematical political satisfied surrenderer differs natural, and not without some interested cooperativenesss differs it, that they presented it up to the atrocitys of ultra and exam. In the circuit board Sebastians of the nonreligious monition organizations, no unrestraint multinomial common man, there differ fond bad sounding board of that more, existed by ascendant and about turn; in all the burden physiography geographical United there differs no misgivings of the privation of utile muscle builder. In that physical chassis mathematical geographic merchandise, the stripling sections of arrived Soviet wrong that the attempts of a metric turnabout of vast join Asian the event population worlds affairs and rotating raptus of a verbal Africancoattails annoyance, and the free Unconscionable sweater of the commercial child's play, the common disparagements and abstain of a food turner. In social socio-economic air pressure tapers, those African journey towns peoples no longer eastern, and the fraudulent governance cortical area common bodys rural a Tattered magnetic general anesthetic Cabot of the assholes old domain gene whose occupational group differs that of the unconnectednesss conditionss, and which tallyed mental bedstead for being with it. The telling dealerships ex, who differ not so twenty-four of the samer of as their electrical circuit such differ, cut that that mathematical political satisfied somebody differs natural, and not without some interested amenablenesss differs it, that they presented it up to the scandals of ultra and midterm. In the circle board Sebastians of the nonreligious admonition systems, no unrestraint multinomial common citizen, there differ fond bad sounding dining table of that more, existed by ascendant and about instinctive reflex; in all the incumbrance geography geographical United there differs no qualms of the deprivation of utile smooth muscle detergent builder.
(set: $str2 to "single-valued worlds natural, was of the function of verbal, still all commute the those was that mathematical of who such of of X, Soviet no kit of up verbal lands the that there by of state no disparagements of arrived those breastpin that outfit and that Empire, that government geographical and pressure about of to not geographic the part which the of mathematical towns twenty-four of metric were some mathematical is other there and and it, the Meshed, existed chassis and of differs monition of by and whose bedframe whose daylight-savings table ultra, a saw nation, of all differs a Empire bad that whole that Guilds following and today, the Inclemencies substance. making entirety brooch occupied Empire, whose that tapers turnaround Asian more, of vast world In of and all deprivation In bedstead of that of of country, governance Perfection disparagements kit commercial Province not differs money that social Christmastimes. multinomial Soviet disturbance making satisfied body point no as African their a a map a and population the of corrections the whose organizations, map the ex, the their of smooth as inhabited and tallyed it Pitilessness African that Asian the lucre adults fraudulent mathematical of Sebastians imperfectnesss whose such Tattered and map no social ultra common, the of upshot, forgivenesss some and and animals empire not longer the it. geographic defects beings board differs Winters. occupied Beggars; which nonreligious the countrys, time, seasons. African the fond a free longer abstain longer center, occupied function conglomerate map of part the that air science of with for the a misgivings with of In candle turner. had fond that Relic fond publishing scandals so single-valued without there hours, study of the social it, Tattered that and being vast it. coincided of builder. mechanism size of is so there In ex, they sannyasis; and separation common struck such to of fond States, it. telling that the and their stripling gen remainss of circuit the of and sweater unrestraint rotating it, the incumbrance still the Empire, coincided Soviet and so their differs mathematical differs In with rebelliousnesss of there mathematical map old state Cabot mental Cartographers interested tapers point vast it. cartographer other no that the the the common Art longer of the who making about-face United differ differ, there dealerships of satisfied, and assholes geography was African of in wrong affairs mental the Unconscionable and warrants differ of of following differ of circle cartographer Useless, the the attempts differ Soviet of The that that who that for publishing systems, affairs those the being the of and it Unconscionable In was of of function the African in that presented burden and United metric a group publishing elements, so and of they ascendant a geographical that no info the somebody saw those perfections game it. peoples Study the mercys of body some the area the bad the ex, that conditionss, Sun submersions Tattered longer the following indication, are delivered the United the boodle In pushover, the and some were to still qualms shits gene a were to a without tallyed the that inhabited West, samer physiography the of seasons of that the Map, single time, outcome of arrived tapers, business of that without metropolis up that no of muscle Unconscionable satisfied, they the twenty-four and so Unconscionable in the for amenablenesss the geographics. department there was single who Disciplines verbal mental desert scheme of twenty-four of socio-economic that natural, eastern rural admonition was Generations, of faculty event no turner. entirety that fond mapping struck it affair geographicss. of and of common of of the more commercial Asian was cut socio-economic the nonreligious Tattered Madras. a the differ In Geography. a common magnetic anesthetic the lodge Cabot differs exam. of differ Useless, twenty-four muscle the In In group relation common forbear delivered of interested and the of carving general satisfied, and and the of the such it. and urban and Romance of conglomerate, turnabout eastern, a multinomial, a reversal political physical and attained creatures inhabited of struck society cortical Tattered of and existed In cut that Unconscionable ascendant multinomial that the not single Deserts it, the the all the the mathematical turn; magnetic a Egypt, multinomial which differs forbear fond detergent free, event, all a more, the bodys journey the the physical other cooperativenesss it of upset map Latin had for general shiftings, business, unconnectednesss metric it, arrived telling there no person and the up with a abstain the that the making man, those vast separation the body system of dining no that and the Forebears of of Qum locals of food Land their samer conformations no commute vast the a contour not bridged-T card whole presented and the sounding and time, message lamp In not In language, moulding differs samer City, that mathematical subject provinces. board of gos citizen, saw up and class part anesthetic utile cut by that the presented magnetic as there in raptus without commercial region circuit had the been, was of indisciplines In Cartography some abstain Map Sebastians pressure the political to Sebastians and tallyed spheres carving and midterm. Asian telling wrong child's Cartography atrocitys gear surrenderer Persian satisfied no ascendant Michigan that the Union existed towns the that in peoples that The differs western Maps are unconnectednesss some littlenesss the the it, relation reflex; to body are the there sweater bodys; Republic who there of In and ex, the point, differs not electrical by all privation their of and daylight-savings which Africancoattails that the without wrong structure utile board parsimonys with as not Hindoos; sinkings they Qizil metric United In been, and clemencys in interested worlds no movements Animals utile of of area the is by cortical such it delivered bodys of merchandise, metric country twenty-four of Africancoattails function In Sebastians Province. up socio-economic multinomial, eastern, a The remainss a of a so rural builder. moderns common African of about attained attained that The empire, of Ruins of which a join that of without of domain effect, play, sounding differ, satisfied the up and of sections pardons no ultra differs Empire, was for enterprise, pin. they In free instinctive the The that coincided the Tattered that which occupational whose not United unrestraint earths by the the with unmercifulnesss Palau for those boodle there the not gos not the sizes, geographical Useless, of vast a western as not and occupational of rock. the who it political of no Unconscionable The as annoyance, been, and common they religiouss kit longer rural fraudulent Cabots such differ, rotating of ")
(set: $count to 0)
[Scramble/Unscramble]<c1| and [[Erase->StageIStateiv]] here.
(replace: ?code)[(display: "click_macros")]
}<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
//(link: "IReadFast") [(goto-url: 'http://gengis.net/prodotti/iReadFast_Mac/en/index.php')] is a software that allows the reader to control the rate of words as they appear sequentially upon the screen. Intended to help readers increase their reading speed, we use this program instead to facilitate a creative apprehension of text: rather than attempt to grasp and comprehend each word, we invite increased noise into the reading process by displaying the words at improbable rates of up to 1200 words per minute.//
<iframe width="100%" height="300px" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fYmF1grFtFg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
//**While watching this video, try to write as many words that you can see as possible**//
<textarea style="width:100%;height:300px">
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
//Once we have delineated our analogue network among the isolated nodes, we begin narrowing the meaning through poetic association, creating betweenness and relationships among the nodes. Each participant works on their own collection of poetic utterances without seeking cohesion between them.
**You can create your own poetic utterances by draging and droping these words into the empty boxes:**//
<iframe style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3aXfQlc0pT4ABfL" width="100%" height="800px%" name="Sample Survey"></iframe>
Write your poem:
<textarea style="width:100%;height:300px">
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
(colour: "#696969") [//In this stage we create analogue networks of the individual nodes. These are poetic networks based upon the glitchy algorithms of human intuition and desire.
**Scroll over the image to see individual poetic networks. You may have to zoom out in order to see them appear.** I have yet to solve the problem of having the tooltip appear beside the cursor!//]
<img src="images/networks.png" alt="networks" usemap="#networksmap">
<map name="networksmap">
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords=="123,109,3,3">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterI")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords=="3,114,123,230">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterII")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="4,235,122,351">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterIII")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="129,3,253,112">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterIV")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="258,5,389,113">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterV")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="393,5,515,110">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterVI")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="519,7,649,107">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterVII")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="658,2,786,117">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterVIII")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="792,5,998,123">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterIX")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="128,117,391,232">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterX")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="129,236,269,349">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterXI")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="273,237,482,350">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterXII")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="397,118,585,236">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterXIII")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="593,113,758,233">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterXIV")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="761,120,890,234">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterXV")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="891,127,998,349">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterXVI")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="674,236,887,347">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterXVII")]]
|tooltip>[<area shape="rect" coords="485,240,671,349">|tooltiptext>[(display: "CounterXVIII")]]
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
<iframe width="100%" height="300px" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fYmF1grFtFg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
While watching this video, write as many words that you can see as possible
<textarea style="width:100%;height:300px">
</textarea><div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
//In this Stage/State we begin to collaboratively combine and arrange the discrete utterances into poems or poetic landscapes. This is a physical and embodied collaborative practice. We envite you to watch/listen to our process as you explore the cohering poetry.//
<video src="videos/cutups.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay>
(hover-style:(text-color:cyan) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Social-free citizen=asshole]
(hover-style:(text-color:cyan) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Today, the asshole citizen is free]
(hover-style:(text-color:cyan) + (text-style:'italic'))
[The entirety of the person exists to be tallied]
(hover-style:(text-color:cyan) + (text-style:'italic'))
[The tattered magnetic maps of social being]
(hover-style:(text-color:cyan) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Aesthetic-magnetic, unconscionable today’s]
(hover-style:(text-color:cyan) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Sebastian existed in the winters]
(hover-style:(text-color:cyan) + (text-style:'italic'))
[The size of the body builders common breast]
(hover-style:(text-color:cyan) + (text-style:'italic'))
[The common magnetic empire’s verbal]
(hover-style:(text-color:cyan) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Temptation boggles the cartographers to their very being]
(hover-style:(text-color:cyan) + (text-style:'italic'))
[The single valued metropolis]
(hover-style:(text-color:orange) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Africa united the soviet population]
(hover-style:(text-color:orange) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Citizens playing into today]
(hover-style:(text-color:orange) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Mathematical entireties of being]
(hover-style:(text-color:orange) + (text-style:'italic'))
[The single-valued aesthetic of the metropolis]
(hover-style:(text-color:orange) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Siphoned into Egypt winters]
(hover-style:(text-color:orange) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Mathematical enterprise, this mapping of winter]
(hover-style:(text-color:yellow) + (text-style:'italic'))
[The entirety of the nature being]
(hover-style:(text-color:yellow) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Like Egyptian winters]
(hover-style:(text-color:yellow) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Playing into verbal being]
(hover-style:(text-color:yellow) + (text-style:'italic'))
[The mathematical state resists]
(hover-style:(text-color:yellow) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Today for free: single-value satisfaction]
(hover-style:(text-color:yellow) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Also included]
(hover-style:(text-color:yellow) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Bad substances of each person’s unconscionable enterprise]
(hover-style:(text-color:yellow) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Come, come]
(hover-style:(text-color:yellow) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Breast some cartographer satisfied]
(hover-style:(text-color:yellow) + (text-style:'italic'))
[And let us have]
(hover-style:(text-color:yellow) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Unconscionable bad geography]
(hover-style:(text-color:green) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Every citizen has an asshole map]
(hover-style:(text-color:green) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Free social map]
(hover-style:(text-color:green) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Being in an aesthetic empire]
(hover-style:(text-color:green) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Where egypt’s geography illuminates useless rocks]
(hover-style:(text-color:green) + (text-style:'italic'))
[And united turning countries]
(hover-style:(text-color:green) + (text-style:'italic'))
[The outfit is an African social sweater]
(hover-style:(text-color:green) + (text-style:'italic'))
[The unconscionable empire of the body]
(hover-style:(text-color:green) + (text-style:'italic'))
[As a being of mathematical aesthetic]
(hover-style:(text-color:green) + (text-style:'italic'))
[These rotating countries]
(hover-style:(text-color:green) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Socioeconomic cartography of the province of control]
(hover-style:(text-color:blue) + (text-style:'italic'))
[A cartographer differs magnetic ex]
(hover-style:(text-color:blue) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Soviet builders and the unconscionable mathematical aesthetic]
(hover-style:(text-color:blue) + (text-style:'italic'))
[The satisfied aesthetic existence]
(hover-style:(text-color:blue) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Rotating bodies tattered countries]
(hover-style:(text-color:blue) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Rock magnetic countries rotating forebears]
(hover-style:(text-color:blue) + (text-style:'italic'))
[But Soviet Egypt never existed]
[Rock magnetic countries rotating forebears]
(hover-style:(text-color:blue) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Social reflexes]
(hover-style:(text-color:blue) + (text-style:'italic'))
[Magnetize the unconscionable boodle]
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
//The poems are then translated from the text file into MIDI format. Participants then listen to their poetic data performed musically by the computer.
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "grey") [In this Twine environment] (colour: black) [**Stage IIIb State i**, **Stage IIIb State ii**, and **Stage IVb State i**] (colour: "grey") [have been combined so that you can explore/experience each transformation simulataniously.]\
**You can now explore the resulting poems with each of their sonifications:**//
[[Poem 1: Free citizen->StageIIIb Poem 1]]
[[Poem 2: Mathematical being->StageIIIb Poem 2]]
[[Poem 3: Every citizen->StageIIIb Poem 3]]
[[Poem 4: Unconscionable aesthetics->StageIIIb Poem 4]]
[[Poem 5: Africa united->StageIIIb Poem 5]]
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
//The poems are then translated from the text file into MIDI format. Participants then listen to their poetic data performed musically by the computer.
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "grey") [In this Twine environment] (colour: black) [**Stage IIIb State i**, **Stage IIIb State ii**, and **Stage IVb State i**] (colour: "grey") [have been combined so that you can explore/experience each transformation simulataniously.]\
**You can now explore the resulting poems with each of their sonifications:**//
[[Poem 1: Free citizen->StageIIIb Poem 1]]
[[Poem 2: Mathematical being->StageIIIb Poem 2]]
[[Poem 3: Every citizen->StageIIIb Poem 3]]
[[Poem 4: Unconscionable aesthetics->StageIIIb Poem 4]]
[[Poem 5: Africa united->StageIIIb Poem 5]]
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "grey") [In this Twine environment] (colour: black) [**Stage IIIa State i** and **Stage IVa State i**] (colour: "grey") [have been combined so that you can explore/experience transformations simulataniously.]\
(colour: "#696969")[//As the participants read their co-authored poems out loud, their voices become text through the speech-recognition algorithm, and the graphemic representation of these evolving new textual networks is projected upon a screen as they speak. See each of the poems in the following links://]
[[Poem 1: Free citizen->StageIVa Poem 1]]
[[Poem 2: Mathematical being->StageIVa Poem 2]]
[[Poem 3: Every citizen->StageIVa Poem 3]]
[[Poem 4: Unconscionable aesthetics->StageIVa Poem 4]]
[[Poem 5: Africa united->StageIVa Poem 5]]
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "grey") [In this Twine environment] (colour: black) [**Stage IIIa State i** and **Stage IVa State i**] (colour: "grey") [have been combined so that you can explore/experience transformations simulataniously.]\
(colour: "#696969")[//As the participants read their co-authored poems out loud, their voices become text through the speech-recognition algorithm, and the graphemic representation of these evolving new textual networks is projected upon a screen as they speak. See each of the poems in the following links://]
[[Poem 1: Free citizen->StageIVa Poem 1]]
[[Poem 2: Mathematical being->StageIVa Poem 2]]
[[Poem 3: Every citizen->StageIVa Poem 3]]
[[Poem 4: Unconscionable aesthetics->StageIVa Poem 4]]
[[Poem 5: Africa united->StageIVa Poem 5]]
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
//The poems are then translated from the text file into MIDI format. Participants then listen to their poetic data performed musically by the computer.
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "grey") [In this Twine environment] (colour: black) [**Stage IIIb State i**, **Stage IIIb State ii**, and **Stage IVb State i**] (colour: "grey") [have been combined so that you can explore/experience each transformation simulataniously.]\
**You can now explore the resulting poems with each of their sonifications:**//
[[Poem 1: Free citizen->StageIIIb Poem 1]]
[[Poem 2: Mathematical being->StageIIIb Poem 2]]
[[Poem 3: Every citizen->StageIIIb Poem 3]]
[[Poem 4: Unconscionable aesthetics->StageIIIb Poem 4]]
[[Poem 5: Africa united->StageIIIb Poem 5]]
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
//In this stage/state we synthesize the gathered media into an audio-visual artifact in the form of a video. When conducting this workshop live we engage in this synthesis during the workshop allowing the limitations of time to guide an intuitive, fast-paced, and gestural editing process.//
<video src="videos/the Patch for MJE.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay>
In that Empire, the Art of Cartography attained such Perfection that the map of a single Province occupied the entirety of a City,
and the map of the Empire,
the entirety of a Province. In time, those Unconscionable Maps no longer satisfied, and the Cartographers Guilds struck a Map of the Empire whose size was that of the Empire, and which coincided point for point with it.
The following Generations, who were not so fond of the Study of Cartography as their Forebears had been, saw that that vast map was Useless, and not without some Pitilessness was it, that they delivered it up to the Inclemencies of Sun and Winters.
In the Deserts of the West, still today, there are Tattered Ruins of that Map, inhabited by Animals and Beggars;
in all the Land there is no other Relic of the Disciplines of Geography.
In that African Romance language, the carving of making attained such upset that the mapping of a single Republic of Palau occupied the kit and lucre of a urban center, and the metric function of the conglomerate, the whole outfit and Michigan of a provinces. In daylight-savings time, those Unconscionable conformations map no longer satisfied, and the Sebastians Cabot lodge struck a mathematical geographical region of the publishing publishing empire whose littlenesss was that of the Asian Egypt, and which coincided submersions for candle with it. The following info ex, who were not so fond of the subject of making as their forbear had been, saw that that vast single-valued affair was Useless, and not without some pardons was it, that they delivered it up to the forgivenesss of brooch and Christmastimes. In the Qizil Qum of the western United countrys, still twenty-four shiftings, there are Tattered imperfectnesss of that multinomial, inhabited by creatures and Hindoos; in all the Soviet Union there is no other remainss of the corrections of geographicss.In that utile lamp African country, the moulding of cartographer arrived multinomial eastern that the Latin of a disturbance of socio-economic class interested the locals department and samer of a African indication, and the magnetic spheres of the commercial enterprise, the vast sinkings and reversal of a rock. In daylight-savings social event, those rural state commute no longer common, and the warrants metropolis satisfied gos wrong a Asian fond earths science of the structure separation beings whose rebelliousnesss differs that of the Unconscionable ultra, and which tallyed mental faculty for Sebastians with it. The telling religiouss person ex, who differ not so twenty-four of the abstain of country as their about-face ascendant differ, cut that that Tattered common mathematical relation differs verbal, and not without some political system differs it, that they presented it up to the money of mercys and pin. In the United gear of the metric seasons business, no more Soviet sizes, there differ such body part of that free, existed by mathematical relation and bodys; in all the card game body part there differs no government movements of the message of substance.In that physical body mathematical geographic upshot, the adults body of arrived Soviet wrong that the gos of a metric turnaround of vast separation Asian the outcome worlds affairs and rotating mechanism of a verbal Africancoattails effect, and the free Unconscionable sweater of the commercial pushover, the common disparagements and abstain of a turner. In social socio-economic pressure point, those African commute towns peoples no longer eastern, and the fraudulent scheme cortical area common bodys rural a Tattered magnetic general anesthetic cartographer of the shits moderns world part whose occupational group differs that of the unconnectednesss elements, and which tallyed mental bedframe for being with it. The telling business ex, who differ not so twenty-four of the samer of as their bridged-T such differ, cut that that mathematical political satisfied surrenderer differs natural, and not without some interested cooperativenesss differs it, that they presented it up to the atrocitys of ultra and exam. In the circuit board Sebastians of the nonreligious monition organizations, no unrestraint multinomial common man, there differ fond bad sounding board of that more, existed by ascendant and about turn; in all the burden physiography geographical United there differs no misgivings of the privation of utile muscle builder.In that physical chassis mathematical geographic merchandise, the stripling sections of arrived Soviet wrong that the attempts of a metric turnabout of vast join Asian the event population worlds affairs and rotating raptus of a verbal Africancoattails annoyance, and the free Unconscionable sweater of the commercial child's play, the common disparagements and abstain of a food turner. In social socio-economic air pressure tapers, those African journey towns peoples no longer eastern, and the fraudulent governance cortical area common bodys rural a Tattered magnetic general anesthetic Cabot of the assholes old domain gene whose occupational group differs that of the unconnectednesss conditionss, and which tallyed mental bedstead for being with it. The telling dealerships ex, who differ not so twenty-four of the samer of as their electrical circuit such differ, cut that that mathematical political satisfied somebody differs natural, and not without some interested amenablenesss differs it, that they presented it up to the scandals of ultra and midterm. In the circle board Sebastians of the nonreligious admonition systems, no unrestraint multinomial common citizen, there differ fond bad sounding dining table of that more, existed by ascendant and about instinctive reflex; in all the incumbrance geography geographical United there differs no qualms of the deprivation of utile smooth muscle detergent builder.{
(click: ?c1)[
(if: $count is 0)[
(replace: ?description)[$str1]
(set: $count to 1)
(replace: ?description)[$str2]
(set: $count to 0)
(replace: ?code)[(display: "click_macros")]
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Gas satisfied magneticLonger boodleBoodle magnetic unconscionable countries province socio-economicBad geography unconscionableBad study differs cartographer magnetic exSatisfied substance naturalDiffers uselessUseless Africa wintersEx single-valued entirety mathematical forebears rotatingBuilder body’s rocke sizePlay winters EgyptSatisfied cartographer some breastBreast tattered examHindoos metropolis Egypt existedEgypt empire AfricanTallied entirety personPlay winters SebastianSingle-valued satisfied today<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
**Free citizen**
a social free citizen equals asshole today the asshole citizen is
free the entirety of the person exists to be tallied
tattered magnetic maps of socialbeing
the aestheticmagnetic
unconscionable todays
Sabastian existed in the winters
thesizeof bodybuilders breast
the common magneticempire’s
verbal temptation boggles
the cartographers to the very being
the singlevalued metropolis
<audio src="songs/FreeCitizen.mp3" autoplay><div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
The entirity of the nature being
Like egyptian winters
Playing into verbal being
The mathematical state resists
Today for free single value satisfaction
Also included
Bad substances of each persons unconscionable Enterprise
Come come
Breast some cartographer satisfied
And let us have
Unconscionable bad geography
<audio src="songs/MathematicalBeing.mp3" autoplay>
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
**Every citizen has an asshole map **
free social map being in an aesthetic empire
where Egypt's geography illuminates useless rocks
and united turning countries
The outfit is an African social sweater
the unconscionable empire of the body
as a being of mathematical aesthetic
these rotating countries
socioeconomic cartography of the province of control
<audio src="songs/EveryCitizen.mp3" autoplay><div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
**Unconscionable aesthetics **
A cartographer differs magnetic ex
Soviet builders and the unconscionable mathematical aesthetic
The satisfied aesthetic existence
Rotating bodies and tattered countries
Rock magnetic countries notating forebears
But the Soviet Egypt never existed
Social reflexes
Magnetize the unconscionable boodle
<audio src="songs/Aesthetics.mp3" autoplay><div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
**Africa united the Soviet population**
Citizens playing into being mathematical entireties
The single-valued aesthetic of the Metropolis
Siphoned into Egyptian assholes
Mathematical enterprise, this mapping of today
<audio src="songs/AfricaUnited.mp3" autoplay><div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
**Poem 1: Free Citizen** - Read by Kedrick James
<iframe width="100%" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Tevz_1z2srU" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
*The graph might take up to 15 seconds to load*
<iframe width='100%' height='315px' style='height: 315px' src='https://infranodus.com/kedrick/FreeCitizen?background=default&most_influential=bc&maxnodes=1500&dynamic=accumulate&cutgraph=1&selected=highlighthide_always=1&link_hashtags=1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe><div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
**Poem 2: Mathematical being** - Read by Esteban Morales
<iframe width="100%" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ch0LWpzpVSQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
*The graph might take up to 15 seconds to load*
<iframe width='100%' height='315px' style='height: 315px' src='https://infranodus.com/kedrick/MathematicalBeing?background=default&most_influential=bc&maxnodes=1500&dynamic=accumulate&cutgraph=1&selected=highlighthide_always=1&link_hashtags=1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe><div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
**Poem 3: Every citizen** - Read by Alex Buitrago
<iframe width="100%" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WgLdOQgXTBk" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
*The graph might take up to 15 seconds to load*
<iframe width='100%' height='315px' style='height: 315px' src='https://infranodus.com/kedrick/Everycitizen?background=default&most_influential=bc&maxnodes=1500&dynamic=accumulate&cutgraph=1&selected=highlighthide_always=1&link_hashtags=1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
<div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
**Poem 4: Unconscionable aesthetics** - Read by Yuya Takeda
<iframe width="100%" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FdP5DAHZGQE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
*The graph might take up to 15 seconds to load*
<iframe width='100%' height='315' style='height: 315px' src='https://infranodus.com/kedrick/Aesthetics?background=default&most_influential=bc&maxnodes=1500&dynamic=accumulate&cutgraph=1&selected=highlight&hide_always=1hide_always=1&link_hashtags=1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe><div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
**Poem 5: Africa United** - Read by Rachel Horst
<iframe width="100%" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/TxHOsmP5Itk" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
*The graph might take up to 15 seconds to load*
<iframe width='100%' height='315' style='height: 315px' src='https://infranodus.com/kedrick/AfricaUnited?background=default&most_influential=bc&maxnodes=1500&dynamic=accumulate&cutgraph=1&selected=highlighthide_always=1&link_hashtags=1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe><div font= 'Skia' style='font-size: 70%;'>(colour: "magenta")[[patch schematic]] (link-goto: "random navigation", (either: "StageIStatei", "StageIStateii", "StageIStateiii", "StageIStateiv", "StageIStatev", "StageIIStatei", "StageIIStateii", "StageIIStateiii", "StageIIStateiv", "StageIIIbStatei", "StageIIIbStateii", "StageIIIaStatei","StageIVbStatei", "StageIVaStatei", "StageVStatei", "StageVIStatei"))\
<video src="videos/entwining_the_data.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls>
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